Why Weblogs?
In it's initial conception, CS-ED.org was to give computer science education researchers a virtual gathering place for communication and collaboration regarding the participants activities and research efforts.
In expanding the scope of CS-ED.org, the reasons remain the same. Weblogs (online journals) provide a simple framework for writing about and reflecting on our professional practice, whether that is research, instruction, or learning.
We happily provide weblog space on CS-ED.org for CS educators, researchers, and students interested in maintaining a weblog about their experiences as such. We expect and respect a diverse community; do not expect the ideas, politics, or anything else on one of these weblogs to reflect those on another.
- Matt Jadud [ weblog ]
A PhD student at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England. - Stephen Hendry [ weblog ]
An undergraduate computer science major at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England.
As much as is possible, we would like to keep track of educators, researchers, and students in the world who maintain weblogs as well. If you want to be listed here, drop a note.
- Pete DePasquale [ weblog ]
A faculty member of the Computer Science department at The College of New Jersey. - Rob Watkins [ weblog ]
An undergraduate computer science major at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England.
Join in!
If you are interested in joining this community of researchers in this endeavor, or are interested becoming active in the CSE research community, please contact webmaster @ cs-ed.org.