About CS-ED.org

CS-ED.org was created to support the building of a public network of computer science education researchers writing about and discussing their work.1 Upon reflection, it became apparent that there is great value in synergy and reflective practice, whether it pertains to methodology, instruction, or learning on the part of researchers, practitioners, or students.

At the end of the day, CS-ED.org is really about a couple of graduate students deciding that they needed to be in better touch about their work. And, perhaps more importantly, a place where undergraduates considering this line of research might find a community of support and a voice of their own. The full potential of the site emerges from a community, writing and reflecting together; we can only wait and see where this experiment will go.

So, until further notice, the pool is open. Come on in, the water's fine!

Many Thanks

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1 Computer science education researchers are either computer scientists serious about their research methodology and educational theory, or educators who have a critical eye towards computer science in the name of better understanding the learning and instruction of the discipline.