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April 28, 2004

Looking back, looking forward

Thursday, 7:30 PM
Good weather: Outside @ K-Bar
Bad weather: Inside Keynes, but outside of K-Bar.
(In other words, not in the bar proper)

I'd like to see people turn out; we'll call it a social of sorts. Perhaps we'll do another (without an agenda), but for the moment, this will be a half-way social. I'd like to address three questions:

  1. What would you keep next year?
  2. What would you change next year?
  3. What would you throw away next year?

I've actually asked this question at the end of most every class I've ever taught, so it isn't new. There is no criticism (of the course) that I can't handle; I (and Brad and Christian) only want to see this enterprise improve, so be honest.

If you can't make Thursday evening (revision, etc.), then leave a note here, or write me personally. I'm interested in what you have to say. In particular, those who haven't shown up in the last few weeks of CSCS.

If I don't see you in the near future, good luck with exams, and see you next year!

Posted by mjadud at April 28, 2004 08:36 AM