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April 28, 2004

Chris Pratley, Group Program Manager

Things have been quiet lately; too quiet.

To start, you might be interested in reading Chris Pratley's weblog; he's the group program manager for the Office team. In other words, he overseas the work on all MS Office products.

I know some of you are pretty Anti-Evil-Empire, but the fact is that Microsoft achieves some rather stunning feats of engineering management (among other things). The Win 2000 team had some ridiculously large number of engineers working on it (2000 or more?), and they manage millions of lines of code. Being the ringleader of that kind of circus implies that you might find some interesting insights along the way.

The writings of Joel Spolsky are also interesting; he's an ex-Microsoftie who left to start his own software firm. He almost always talks sense, which means you can almost always pay attention and learn something about software development and management practice.

Posted by mjadud at April 28, 2004 08:30 AM