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September 04, 2004

How we communicate

The internet makes communication easy, cheap and quick. CSCS takes advantage of this, what with our own IRC channel, mailing list, weblog and wiki. I think we are suffering, however, from 'communication overload'. I think we need to have one place to communicate as a group--people don't know where to look for information and although the mailing list looks the best idea, I think the weblog should be where all CSCS communication occurs.

The reasons for this are threefold. Firstly, the weblog is open to all - there is no need to be a member to read posts or post comments; secondly the weblog archive is easily searched and indexed for quick viewing and finally it's something we can all contribute to. The list has been more focussed--used for CSCS related things only--but CSCS is more than just a weekly meeting. Using the weblog more often would mean there is more communication about a wider range of topics, which would help everyones education. And hey, what's better than both having fun and learning at the same time? If only lectures could be the same....

An idea would be to tie-up the mailing list and the weblog, so that new threads to the mailing list are posted on the blog (and replies as comments) and new weblog posts (and comments!) are posted to the list. MovableType does let you announce new posts, so it could be hacked up a little to do what we want. Might require a bit of code though, unless it's been done before.

Or we could just use the mailing list for "crap I forgot to tell you about a talk we have in 10 minutes" type threads, and the blog for everything else. I think I like that idea ;).


Posted by rwatkins at September 4, 2004 12:30 AM


"Or we could just use the mailing list for "crap I forgot to tell you about a talk we have in 10 minutes" type threads, and the blog for everything else. I think I like that idea ;)"

Thats the best way, as much as enjoy getting emails sometimes there are a few to many I rather just had one place to check. I am the habit of checking blogs daily any way.

I know in MT3 it allows you to send any new posts to an email adress. Surley we could set up a new mailing list for the people who are to lazy, forgetfull or just prefer it that way can get the latest news straight in there inbox.

Posted by: Steve at September 5, 2004 06:20 PM

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