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December 01, 2003

BCS Programming Competition

I don't know if competitions appeal to the CSCS crowd, but who knows. Personally, I'm not as keen on this competition as other competitions I've seen, as the BCS competition requires that you use C, C++, or Java. I personally am much more productive in other languages. Then again, I've never claimed to be a professional programmer.

The British Computer Society (BCS) Programming Competition offers a realistic platform on which information technology professionals, students, and academics can compete on equal terms and demonstrate their skills in a public arena.

The competition languages are C and C++ (Visual C/C++ version 6); Java (Standard Edition) and Visual Basic (version 6). The Eclipse Platform (version 2.1.0) will be available for the first time in 2004.

The Java version used in this year's competition will be 1.3.1 or later. Please note that Visual Basic will be available on a limited basis. We hope also to offer C# in 2004 on similarly limited basis. Please note that if demand for Visual Basic and C# is high, late registrants requesting these languages may be asked to choose another language.

Each team has free access to a personal computer and standard software, and the results will be judged against hidden test data by a panel of judges appointed by The British Computer Society.

Deadline for applications: 31 January 2004
Further information at: http://www1.bcs.org.uk/bm.asp?sectionID=932

Posted by mjadud at December 1, 2003 10:43 AM


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