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November 06, 2003

Microsoft Imagine Cup UK

We'll feel out what counts as "cool stuff" as time goes on, l and what makes sense for posting here. I thought I'd repost this message from DJB on the newgroups here as something we can look at.

Microsoft recently launched the Imagine Cup UK - a nationwide programming competition for student developers aiming to encourage students to turn their innovative ideas into real solutions.

There are three stages to the UK competition:

  1. Stage one is an online multiple choice, code and logic quiz.
  2. Stage two is a coding challenge open to the top 150 entrants from the Stage one quiz.
  3. Stage three is a 'code-athon' - where up to 32 finalists will compete in a three day-and-night coding competition.

There are lots of prizes on offer during the UK contest including T-Shirts, MicrosoftR Visual StudioR .NET, Office XP and Xbox consoles with the ultimate UK winning team going on to compete in the worldwide Imagine Cup final in Brazil in June 2004.

You might be interested in the details of the competition and terms and conditions.

They include the requirement that you use Passport to sign in if you wish your score to be considered.

Posted by mjadud at November 6, 2003 10:55 AM


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